
Friday, March 22, 2013

CSV Import Using CSVUTIL utility

In my previous post, we've seen how to import an individual CSV to insert/update/delete records of one table. But when we need to upload data into several tables and doing it one by one can be very very time consuming. Luckily, OTM gives us an utility with which we can import more than one CSV file.

Let’s take a scenario of creating a CONTACT and assign it to an existing contact group.

1. Prepare a CSV file for CONTACT Table

2. Prepare a CSV for CONTACT_GROUP Table

3. Open a notepad and write the below commands

-dataFileName CONTACT.CSV -command i
-dataFileName CONTACT_GROUP.CSV -command i

4. Save the file as csvutil.ctl
List the CSV files in the order they should be uploaded.
In this case, first Contact needs to be created & then assigned to a group.
5. Create a zip file with 3 files (CONTACT.CSV, CONTACT_GROUP.CSV, csvutil.ctl)

6. Navigate to Business Process Automation -> Integration -> Integration manager -> Upload a CSV/XML Transmission

7. Upload the zip file
8. If there are no errors OTM returns a log file.

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