
Thursday, March 8, 2012

OTM - Creating Users,Assigning Menu/Preference

This setup consists of 3 stages
  • Creating User A/c
  • Assigning User Menu to user
  • Assigning User Preference to user

  1. Login to OTM
  2. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Management -> Add User
  3. Enter the details in below fields
    1. User Name: Enter the User ID
    2. Password
    3. Retype Password
    4. User Role ID: Enter the OTM User Role
    5. Nick Name: Enter the User ID
    6. Account Policy ID
  4. Click on Finish to save the user. [You have created the user]
  5. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Configuration -> Manage User Access
  6. Select User Access Type : User Menu
  7. Enter the User ID you have just created
  8. Click on ‘Edit User Access’
  9. Click on the Radio button ‘Exclude all user menus except the following’
  10. Enter the User Menu ID for the user. [Refer the excel sheet with UserRole-Menu-Preference details]
  11. Click on Save
  12. Click on Finished [You have now assigned a Menu to newly created User]
  13. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Management -> Manage User Access
  14. Select User Access Type: User Preference
  15. Enter the User ID you have just created
  16. Click on ‘Edit User Access’
  17. Select the Check Box - Replace Existing User Preference With The Following
  18. Enter the User Preference [Refer the excel sheet with UserRole-Menu-Preference details]
  19. Click on Finished. [You have now assigned a Preference to user]

1 comment:

  1. If there are 5 user preferences. How to identify which preference is attached to a role?
