
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

OTM Business Monitor

The Business Monitor is designed to monitor business objects like Purchase orders, shipments etc., 
You can launch it by clicking on 'b' icon after logging into OTM. 

Creating a Business Monitor:
Assuming that saved queries and screensets are already created, lets see how to create a BM.

  1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration -> Preferences -> Manager Business Monitors
  2. Click on 'New' Button
  3. Enter the follow details 
    • Business Monitor ID* : Unique ID to identify a BM
    • Refresh Interval (in Minutes)*: Enter the frequency of BM Refresh
    • Domain Name: Choose it from drop down button
  4. Enter the Sequence, Query Id (OrderBase/OrderRelease/etc), Saved Query Id, Screen Set ID (Data will be opened in this screen set). Click on save button
  5. Repeat step 4 to enter all Saved queries & relevant screensets. 
  6. Click on Finish to save the BM setup data. 
Assigning BM to a user:
After BM is created, it can be linked to a user preference, than that preference can be assigned to a user or a role. 
  1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration -> Preferences -> User Preference
  2. Search for the User Preference you want to attach the BM
  3. Click on the Edit
  4. Select 'Business Monitor' from the Name and choose the BM id under the 'Value' drop down list. 
  5. Click on Finished.

Database table names:
Stores the Business Monitors defined by users
(BUSINESS_MONITOR_GID is the primary key)

Stores the Saved Query, Screenset details of a particular Business Monitor ID
(Columns: BUSINESS_MONITOR_GID, SEQUENCE form the composite Primary key for this table) 

Disable/Enable Business Monitor Auto Refresh:
We have an option to Enable or Disable the business Monitor. 

When creating a Business Monitor, we can specify the refresh interval. If your BM has too many saved queries which results in lot of data, Auto Refresh could be a disadvantage for the application. For every refresh interval, it has to run all the saved queries, get their counts and display it. This will be a lot of load on the database. 
Disabling Business Monitor Auto Refresh is a very common activity done to improve the database performance. 

To Disable/Enable Auto Refresh of Business Monitor, you need to edit file in your app/webservers. File is available at <OTM_path>/glog/config/
Eg: /appl/otm/v55/glog/config/

To disable, change the below setting to
To Enable

You will have to restart/bounce your application for these changes to take effect. 

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