
Thursday, March 8, 2012

OTM Auto-Complete Feature

OTM Provides a Auto Complete Feature which is very helpful while filling data into fields of OTM. It could while you are searching for something, or for adding new objects, this feature is very handy. 

To Enable this feature, you need to edit file in your servers. It'll be located in <OTM_Installation_Path>/glog/config folder. 

Below are the 3 lines to be added


First setting is to set the feature ON
Second setting defines, when to start showing the list of matching values. In the above example, the value is 3. So if you are entering Russia in a country field, when you finish 3 characters (Rus), OTM will show you Russia in the list. 
Third line (limit) defines how many matching records should be shown in the auto complete list. 

For eg: You are entering a user id - Johnston, and if there are 10 names starting with John, After you type 3 characters, instead of all matching records(10names), OTM will show only 5. You need to type more characters to see more refined list. 

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