
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

OTM User Menu

Menu Manager lets you design the objects that appear on the navigation menu in OTM. There are public menus and you can also create custom menu. You can assign it to Domain, User or a Level. 

Creating a User Menu
  • You can copy an existing menu and make modifications to it.
  • You can create a new menu from scratch.
      1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager
      2. Click on 'New' Button
      3. Enter a unique 'User Menu ID'
      4. Click on the icon with text 'Top'. You can see a green '+' symbol
      5. After you click on '+', you can either choose 'Link' or 'Group'. Group is used to organize sub level menus. For eg: 'Manual Actions'. Its just a group inside you will assign those individual action links
      6. Select 'Link' and click 'Create'
      7. Enter a 'text' which has to appear to user & select one among the  4 options
        • External URL : You can enter any URL , like some website with Currency Exchange rates, or news sites, etc
        • Data Entry: You can enter any OTM URL, for eg: Add user, New Agent etc.,
        • Screen Set: You can assign an OTM Screen set
        • WorkSpace
      8. Click on Save
      9. Repeat the above steps to add Links/Groups as per your requirement. 
      10. You can click on any link and use the up/down arrow icons to change the position of a particular link. 
      11. Click on Finish to save the menu.
    Hiding Menu Objects
    You have an option to hide Links in a User Menu. You can go ahead and delete them too , but if there are any links which you might require in future , hiding them is a better option.
    1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager
    2. Search for the User Menu
    3. Select the 'User Menu' and click on 'Edit'
    4. Right click on the link/object and select 'Hide'. You can right click on any hidden object and select 'Show' to un-hide it. 
    5. An object/link would change to gray-italic once you hide it. 
    6. To delete an object, select it and click on the delete icon which appears in the end
    7. Click on 'Finish' to save the menu.
    Database Table names
    USER_MENU_LAYOUT table will contain all data related to a menu. The layout of the menu is saved in a CLOB format in USER_MENU_LAYOUT_XML column. USER_MENU_LAYOUT_GID is the primary key for this table. 

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