
Thursday, March 8, 2012

OTM Auto-Complete Feature

OTM Provides a Auto Complete Feature which is very helpful while filling data into fields of OTM. It could while you are searching for something, or for adding new objects, this feature is very handy. 

To Enable this feature, you need to edit file in your servers. It'll be located in <OTM_Installation_Path>/glog/config folder. 

Below are the 3 lines to be added


First setting is to set the feature ON
Second setting defines, when to start showing the list of matching values. In the above example, the value is 3. So if you are entering Russia in a country field, when you finish 3 characters (Rus), OTM will show you Russia in the list. 
Third line (limit) defines how many matching records should be shown in the auto complete list. 

For eg: You are entering a user id - Johnston, and if there are 10 names starting with John, After you type 3 characters, instead of all matching records(10names), OTM will show only 5. You need to type more characters to see more refined list. 

OTM - Creating Users,Assigning Menu/Preference

This setup consists of 3 stages
  • Creating User A/c
  • Assigning User Menu to user
  • Assigning User Preference to user

  1. Login to OTM
  2. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Management -> Add User
  3. Enter the details in below fields
    1. User Name: Enter the User ID
    2. Password
    3. Retype Password
    4. User Role ID: Enter the OTM User Role
    5. Nick Name: Enter the User ID
    6. Account Policy ID
  4. Click on Finish to save the user. [You have created the user]
  5. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Configuration -> Manage User Access
  6. Select User Access Type : User Menu
  7. Enter the User ID you have just created
  8. Click on ‘Edit User Access’
  9. Click on the Radio button ‘Exclude all user menus except the following’
  10. Enter the User Menu ID for the user. [Refer the excel sheet with UserRole-Menu-Preference details]
  11. Click on Save
  12. Click on Finished [You have now assigned a Menu to newly created User]
  13. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Management -> Manage User Access
  14. Select User Access Type: User Preference
  15. Enter the User ID you have just created
  16. Click on ‘Edit User Access’
  17. Select the Check Box - Replace Existing User Preference With The Following
  18. Enter the User Preference [Refer the excel sheet with UserRole-Menu-Preference details]
  19. Click on Finished. [You have now assigned a Preference to user]

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

OTM User Menu

Menu Manager lets you design the objects that appear on the navigation menu in OTM. There are public menus and you can also create custom menu. You can assign it to Domain, User or a Level. 

Creating a User Menu
  • You can copy an existing menu and make modifications to it.
  • You can create a new menu from scratch.
      1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager
      2. Click on 'New' Button
      3. Enter a unique 'User Menu ID'
      4. Click on the icon with text 'Top'. You can see a green '+' symbol
      5. After you click on '+', you can either choose 'Link' or 'Group'. Group is used to organize sub level menus. For eg: 'Manual Actions'. Its just a group inside you will assign those individual action links
      6. Select 'Link' and click 'Create'
      7. Enter a 'text' which has to appear to user & select one among the  4 options
        • External URL : You can enter any URL , like some website with Currency Exchange rates, or news sites, etc
        • Data Entry: You can enter any OTM URL, for eg: Add user, New Agent etc.,
        • Screen Set: You can assign an OTM Screen set
        • WorkSpace
      8. Click on Save
      9. Repeat the above steps to add Links/Groups as per your requirement. 
      10. You can click on any link and use the up/down arrow icons to change the position of a particular link. 
      11. Click on Finish to save the menu.
    Hiding Menu Objects
    You have an option to hide Links in a User Menu. You can go ahead and delete them too , but if there are any links which you might require in future , hiding them is a better option.
    1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration > User Configuration > Menu Manager
    2. Search for the User Menu
    3. Select the 'User Menu' and click on 'Edit'
    4. Right click on the link/object and select 'Hide'. You can right click on any hidden object and select 'Show' to un-hide it. 
    5. An object/link would change to gray-italic once you hide it. 
    6. To delete an object, select it and click on the delete icon which appears in the end
    7. Click on 'Finish' to save the menu.
    Database Table names
    USER_MENU_LAYOUT table will contain all data related to a menu. The layout of the menu is saved in a CLOB format in USER_MENU_LAYOUT_XML column. USER_MENU_LAYOUT_GID is the primary key for this table. 

                Thursday, March 1, 2012

                OTM User Preference

                OTM User Preference is a combination of different preferences and settings for a user or a user role or an entire domain. 

                To Create a User Preference:

                1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration > Preferences > User Preferences
                2. Click on 'New' Button
                3. Enter a unique User Preference ID
                4. Choose the appropriate domain
                5. Choose a preference name from the drop down list and its value. click on save button
                6. Repeat step 5 to set up different types of preferences.
                Commonly used preference settings:

                Ask OTM State
                Controls the display of Ask OTM wizard tool bar
                Show or Hide
                Business Monitor
                Defines which BM should be visible for a user
                Valid Business Monitors available
                Related to language settings
                Canada, China, France, Germany, GB, Italy , USA etc
                United States
                Unit of Currency
                Around 75 currencies
                Date Format
                Defines how the date should appear to the user
                Various options

                Day-of-Week Start
                The day to be considered as the start of the week
                Sunday or Monday
                The unit of measure for distance data.
                Miles, Nautical Miles, KMs
                The unit of time measurement
                Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks
                The Unit of measure for lengths
                Centimetres, Inches, Feet, yards, Meters
                Finder Click Action
                Controls how to open objects when selected from search results
                Always open in same window
                Always open in new window
                Replace current window
                Replace Current Window
                Finder Page size
                Controls the max no. records appear per page on a screen set results tab
                Optimal is between 25 and 100
                Language of the application labels, screens etc
                Chinese, English, French, German, Italian etc
                Results Query Line State
                Controls the display of query section that appears by default at the bottom of every results page
                The unit of measure for distance/time
                Miles per Hour
                Kilometres per Hour
                Miles per hour
                Stylesheet Location
                This is for branding purposes. We can specify a location from which webserver has to pick style sheets.
                Value representing the location.
                The scale of measurement for temperature
                Fahrenheit , Kelvin, Celsius
                Time Format
                The format of time
                hh:mm a z: 11:59 p.m. EST
                hh:mm a: 11:59 p.m.
                hh:mm: 23:59
                hh:mm z: 23:59 EST
                hh:mm a z: 11:59 p.m. EST

                Time Zone
                Time Zone used to calculate time records
                World Time Zones
                The unit of measure for volume.
                Cubic Feet
                Cubic Meters
                Canadian Gallon
                Cubic Yards
                Cubic Inches
                Cubic Feet
                The unit of measure for weight.
                Metric Ton

                Database Table Names:
                USER_PREFERENCE table stores the data of all user preferences
                USER_PREFERENCE_D table stores the individual preference details of each User Preference. 

                For Eg: If we create a User Preference TEST_PREF with 2 settings
                Volume - Litres
                Language - French

                USER_PREFERENCE will contain a single record for TEST_PREF details
                where as USER_PREFERENCE_D will have 2 records
                TEST_PREF | Volume | Litres
                TEST_PREF | Language | French

                OTM User Role

                User Role controls the data visibility via a Virtual Private Database (VDP). Once a user role is been created it can be assigned to OTM Users. 

                Creating a User Role:

                1. Navigate to Configuration & Administration -> User Management -> User Role
                2. Click on 'New'
                  • Enter a User Role ID
                  • Select the User Level
                  • Select domain name from the drop down list
                  • Select 'Data Source Profile ID'
                  • Select the VPD Profile & VPD Context
                  • Click on Finished
                User Role can be assigned while creating a user. 

                Database Tables:
                User Role are stored in table USER_ROLE